Our Legal Sherpas
At Yeti Law, we have a dedicated team ready to serve you. When you call our office, you won’t have to wait hours or days for a return call. If you can’t get your question answered by one of our Legal Sherpa® team members when you call, we will schedule a more in-depth legal or strategy call for a mutually convenient time with you and your Legal Sherpa® lawyer. This allows us to make the very best use of your time without wasting it playing voicemail “tag” back and forth.
Law… with understanding. It’s our motto, and it’s also an indicator of our belief that your legal journey should be a very personalized experience. We will be dealing with legal concerns regarding your family, your estate, your forward planning, and your business. These are all deeply personal to you, and so we feel it behooves us to tailor an approach that best suits your needs. Ultimately, your experience with Yeti Law should come down to comfort and support.
Yeti’s tools and techniques are designed to help you express, explain, and provide background without being put off by a cold atmosphere, curt, impersonal attitudes, or legal jargon. Below are a few examples of how our Legal Sherpa® team works differently than other firms which highlights our focus on understanding, both yours and ours.